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Digital Investing
Using Artificial Intelligence

AI technology can be deployed to make risk assessments and investment strategies in a non-bias, accurate and timely manner. AI can help investors determine which listed companies can weather the tough times ahead with strong fundamentals, yet undervalued at present with future potential.

Introducing …


Bulle8 implants robust value investing knowledge into the minds of retail investors and professionals – and helps investors make objective, timely and effective investment decisions. This is done by converting fundamental information about a company into strategic assessment of its balance sheet health, valuation and timing of entry and exit based on the current sentiment of the stocks.

Bulle8 provides guidance to investors who are already leveraged or planning to leverage on how to balance the risks and returns associated with such moves. Bulle8 AI-powered machines can help you identify stocks that are undervalued with strong balance sheets and good timing using AI technology.

Bulle8 Solution

Many investors may not know about the hidden risks in many seemingly simple investment strategies. This can cause their portfolios to take large hits early on in the process. They do not have the advantage of institutional investors in terms of information, technology, infrastructure, expertise and familiarity with market dynamics in Bursa (Malaysia) or any other stock exchanges globally. Investors are also frequently scammed into investment into instruments that they are not familiar with with get-rich-quick schemes. There is also limited knowledge and understanding of investments and especially, financial literacy in a broader context.

Interpret the fundamentals

Bulle8 helps retail investors interpret stock fundamentals and make sense of company information – quickly and accurately. It uses a combination of Natural Language Generation and Processing approaches to turn data into insights, and help investors find undervalued stocks with good balance sheets.

Empower just every type of investors

Bulle8 was developed to help people who are new to stock investing become more confident and systematic by learning about value investing and becoming intelligent shareholders or “owners” of the companies they invest in. Bulle8 also empowers seasoned investors to identify good companies and monitor them for possible upside and downside in the future.

Elliminate risks & Uncertainties

Bulle8 helps investors reduce risks and uncertainties, identifies stocks with upside based on fundamentals and upgrades the knowledge of value investing using A.I. very quickly while covering many companies in a short period of time.

Bulle8 Investment Education Platform

We develop a machine that transforms you into an informed, skilled investor within a day. Using Bulle8 platform, you are given guidance on how to identify and evaluate undervalued stocks with good balance sheet health.”

Health of company

Choose financial rating >6.5

Value of Company

Choose companies that are cheaper than their peers.

Timing of Entry and Exit

Choose oversold stocks that fulfil the earlier two criteria.



Over-the-Counter Analytics

Pricing guides

All prices quoted in USD currency. Prices are subject to changes.

Level #1


Per stock

Insights into stock value, financial and business aspects of the public listed company with comprehensive analysis, visualisation and metrics.

Level #2


Per stock

Insights into stock value, financial and business aspects of the public listed company with comprehensive analysis, visualisation and metrics.

Market Artificial Intelligence Analysis Report


Per stock

Company and industry top news with embedded market sentiment analysis.

Bulle8 TIME


Per stock

Chart analysis on stock performance with calculated movement intervals, which are backed by company news from public sources.

Bulle8 Package

Get it all at a discounted price


Per stock

Risk Optimisation – Alignment of Returns Plus Report


Per investor

Identify your investment profile as well as the stocks recommended that match it.

Input Forms

To be updated.

This form is used for RoboAnalyst Level #1 and #2, MAIA and Bulle8 TIME.

Click here to view in a single-focused page.





Selected Value: 3
Please indicate the number of stocks that you are requesting / buying analysis for. Max. 20 stocks per submission via option B - Key in data.
Multiple options selection enabled.

Coming soon.